pregnancy back pain feature

How to Stay Comfortable When Pregnancy Back Pain Hits

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Pregnancy is full of beautiful moments, but it’s best to not sugarcoat it, back pain is not one of them. As exciting as it is to prepare for your little one, and learn all there is to know about pregnancy, the discomfort can sneak in and steal the spotlight.  This post will talk about how to help with pregnancy back pain.

Struggling with pregnancy back pain? Discover simple and effective tips to ease discomfort, improve posture, and stay comfortable throughout your pregnancy journey!

Suddenly, everyday tasks feel like an Olympic event, and even sitting on the couch doesn’t feel like the relief it should be. The first trimester is filled with nausea and sensitive smells, and the second trimester seems okay, until the last half where pain slowly kicks in, but then the third trimester is only about the sheer pain you’re going to experience, all that back pain in particular!

While some moms will tough it out (and that’s several miserable months of toughing it out), that doesn’t necessarily mean that it needs to be your pregnancy journey. For you, you can do what you can to make things easier, as you should. So, here’s what you can do to manage back pain.

5 Tips for Pregnancy Back Pain

Stand Tall (Even When It Feels Awkward)

When your belly grows, your whole balance shifts. Your lower back starts to arch more than usual, and before you know it, the pain kicks in. It’s easy to ignore posture when you’re already feeling uncomfortable, but fixing it can make a world of difference. Just try standing tall with your shoulders relaxed and your weight evenly distributed between both feet. 

When you sit, use a small cushion or rolled-up towel to support your lower back. It might feel odd at first, but your back will appreciate the extra help.Just think of it this way; your back is working overtime right now. Just giving it a little extra support can make a huge difference in how it feels by the end of the day.

Just Keep On Moving

When your back is aching, the temptation to stay still is real. But gentle movement can actually be the best thing for it. Yes, you’re going to have to start walking, swimming, or even a little prenatal yoga can help ease the tension and strengthen the muscles supporting your back.

Call in the Pros

If the pain feels like it’s taking over, it might be time to call in a professional. Now, there will be some days that are worse than others, which is why you should ideally look into a chiropractor who specializes in prenatal care (most of them do). Now, seeing one is safe, but you’re welcome to talk to your doctor about it too. 

But for many parents-to-be find that regular chiropractic adjustments do wonders for back pain and even help with other pregnancy discomforts.

Sleep Smarter

Yeah, it’s unfortunate, but pregnancy and sleep don’t always mix, especially when back pain is part of the equation. Usually, it’s about having the right setup. Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees can help keep your spine aligned and take some pressure off your lower back. 

Also, by your second trimester, you need to get a pregnancy pillow, but you’re going to have to start sleeping on your side.

Heat is Your New Best Friend

When your back is aching, sometimes a little warmth is all it takes to feel better. Now, you’re not actually supposed to take a hot bath, but a warm bath for a few minutes can be okay. But you can even look into a warm compress or heating pad can work wonders on tired muscles. There are plenty of heating pads online that you can look into as well.

Pregnancy is a journey filled with ups and downs, and managing pregnancy back pain is one way to make the experience more enjoyable. By prioritizing good posture, staying active, seeking professional care when needed, and setting up a supportive sleep environment, you can ease some of the discomfort and focus on the joy of this special time. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential not only for your well-being but also for your growing baby. Every small step you take toward comfort makes a big difference, so don’t hesitate to try these tips and find what works best for you.

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