5 Ways to Take Charge of Your Healthcare

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When we see the doctor we tend to put all of our faith into them that since they are a physician that they know the proper way to care for whatever is ailing us. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

It’s important for you to stand up for your own healthcare. Doctors are human and they sometimes make mistakes, or they are so busy don’t take the proper time to take your entire medical history into account when prescribing your medication or a course of action.

I recently had a not so pleasant experience at a pain management doctor. It was very obvious that he did not read my chart and read my medical history before he prescribed his course of treatment.

take charge of your healthcare

If you find yourself in this situation there are a few things you can do to take charge of your healthcare.

  1. Research the doctor.

It’s important to do some research on any professional you hire. Especially someone that is in charge of your medical health and treatment. Ask other patients you know of theirs, ask about the care, did the doctor have a good bedside manner? Just keep in mind that this is a generalization. The doctor I did not have a good experience is actually a huge help to a family member that is also a chronic pain patient.


  1. Call your insurance.

Did you know your insurance has a list of specialists you can see? They already know that they take your insurance, and where they are located. It can be hard to find a doctor at times that takes your insurance, especially if they are a specialist.

  1. Seek a second opinion.

Your health is too important to trust one doctor. If you don’t like their course of treatment, or their bedside manner, etc, it’s ok to seek out a new doctor. There are times you get a second opinion on an estimate for work done in your home right? Your healthcare is just as important.

This is especially important if you have been involved in an accident and you don’t like the care you are receiving. It’s a difficult time, and you need the right people on your side. Don’t forget, if you think you have a claim for compensation, you can seek out the services of personal injury lawyers to assist you. They may also be able to help with the cost of getting an appropriate doctor during your case.


  1. Research the treatment plan.

Not all treatments prescribed are the right ones for you. We are all individuals and our treatment should be as well. It’s important to even research the new medication you were prescribed. There are many times where I’ve found medication prescribed to my husband should have been since he has a heart condition.

  1. Take someone you trust

Having someone you trust, a friend or family member, they can help. They can take notes, ask questions anything you tell them what their job is. Your trusted person is there to help you in any way you need.  Hopefully, these tips help you take an active role in your healthcare.

When you are not feeling your best it’s hard to concentrate and remember to tell the doctor everything, and to remember exactly what he had to say. Since my husband has Bipolar, it’s hard for him to remember important things like this. I go with him, when they ask him what medications he’s on, his answer is always “I don’t know, ask my wife”.

Do you have any other tips to share? I’d love to hear them!

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