10 Courageous Tips for Living With Chronic Illness

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10 Courageous Tips for Living With Chronic Illness

The life of a chronic illness sufferer is difficult. There are days we have to fight just to get through the day or even make it out of bed. We suffer from extreme pain and discomfort, unusual fatigue, and an unpredictable schedule that can change without warning. But there are ways we can help ourselves feel better; it may seem like a small thing, but these tips for living with chronic illness will show you how.

Most people experience a minor illness from time to time, but when you are living with chronic illness daily, it's difficult to keep your spirits up. You might have trouble doing the things that made you happy in the past or getting out of bed in the morning.

Does your chronic illness keep you in bed all day? Have you been feeling like the world is crumbling around you, as this sickness dominates every aspect of life that it touches, leaving nothing but despair and negativity in its wake? It is hard to fight back against something so powerful – and often invisible to everyone else. But do not give up! There are many ways for people living with chronic illness to still be happy, you just have to find what works best for YOU.

Living with chronic illness is tough. It's not always easy to find the strength and courage that you need in order to get through every day, but there are things you can do to help yourself. Here are 10 courageous tips for living with a chronic condition.

Living with chronic illness is difficult because of the pain, suffering, and shame that often accompanies the disease. It's easy to fall victim to the negative mindset of “My life is ruined” or “I'm useless now,” but that does not have to be the case no matter how debilitating the disease may be.

When living with chronic illness, it is important to focus on what you can do. Likewise, it is important to disallow negative thoughts from dictating what you can and cannot do.

When you are diagnosed with a chronic illness, there are many changes that take place:

  • Change in your lifestyle.
  • Change in your attitude.
  • Change in the way you do things.
  • Maybe even a change in where you live.

That is a lot, and all these changes can certainly be stressful!

10 Tips for living with chronic illness

Taking Control

Our mindset is the biggest factor in how we choose to react to a negative situation. Remember, your reaction is always a choice. You can let the news debilitate you or you can let it move you into new areas you might have never thought possible.

Making a Difference in the Lives of Others

There are many opportunities to help others and build a community. Some of these are:

• Start a blog about what it is like to live with your disease. Others may benefit from knowing that they are not alone in their sufferings. You just may be the source of encouragement that strengthens others!

• Fundraising activities and events. Get involved with fundraising, whether it is in your local area or worldwide via the Internet.

  • Speak out about your illness. Be a speaker at a fundraiser, in a school or at other events to help raise awareness.
  • Volunteer at your local community center. Be proof that living with a chronic disease does not have to be debilitating. Be an advocate for yourself and those with the disease.
  • If you have any kind of treatment in a hospital setting, talk to people in the waiting room, be open and honest and listen to others. Even if you are not facing the same obstacles, it can still comfort to just have someone.
  • Be available and approachable

Support One Another

people holding hands

Make it your mission to find others to rely on for support and encouragement. Getting involved with support groups gives you the social support that is essential to your mental and emotional well-being. Search for a support group online or in your local area and get active in the group.

Do not let the disease have control over your life. By acting and getting directly (or indirectly) involved with finding a cure, raising awareness in your community, and speaking to others about it, you find that life does not stop because of the disease. Instead, many doors of opportunity are waiting to be opened by you.

Be mindful and present.

Take note of your struggles. Are you experiencing pain, fatigue, grief? Give these symptoms time, recognize them, then move on positively. As the symptoms pass, do not let them be forgotten, but realize that state is not a constant one. What have you achieved despite your illness?

Take care of yourself and do not let the symptoms take over. You are not alone in this, so give these struggles time to pass before recognizing them as part of your journey with your chronic illness. Remember all that you have achieved despite it, too! Whatever you do, do not let your diagnosis define you. You are not your illness. You are a whole, individual human being who deserves love, happiness, and anything else your heart desires. Be patient with yourself.

Figure out your triggers and get ahead of them, have an action plan.

Your triggers are the primary focus for combating illness. Heat, over-exertion, stress, weather changes, even certain types of food can all be triggers for people who live with chronic illness. It will take some time to figure out all of your triggers. Until you do, jot down when you notice a symptom and try to brainstorm ways to avoid them.

For example, if your trigger is heating, there are SO many products out there that can help; cooling mats, cooling towels, handheld fans, cooling vests, just to name a few. Get online and do some shopping or talk to others and get recommendations. When you find what works for you, you will be prepared and will know exactly what to do in future to avoid making your struggles worse.

Do your research. Connect with others living with chronic illness.

Notice a new symptom? Odds are you will not be the only person in the world who has experienced it. Research different coping strategies, holistic practices, natural remedies, etc. as much as you have the energy for.

If you have exhausted your options, get in touch with other people who are living with chronic illnesses. Social media has so many groups which you can join with others who share your diagnosis. Reach out and discuss what is happening to you. Knowing that you are not alone can really bring a sense of relief and having a space to vent is so useful when you are having a rough time.

Move your body!

woman doing yoga

Low-impact exercise keeps those with chronic illness moving and flexible, and it is even a great option for reducing and controlling pain. Have a certain level of self-discipline and motivation to get up and at it, regardless. Use your better days to your advantage and move around a bit extra.

A lot of options for simple routines are available for free on YouTube, so you can do them from the comfort of your own home. Yoga, swimming, going for a walk, stretching, or light Pilate’s routines are just among the many options you have.

Get some excellent quality sleep.

We all know how important sleep is. It's almost like a best friend, one that might just be yours too! But sometimes chronic illnesses can make it difficult to get the rest you need and deserve. Take care of yourself; your body needs a break from everything life throws at it on any day. Make sure bedtime feels as comfortable as possible by surrounding yourself with calming colors, decorations, or anything else that reminds you of home while also giving off comforting vibes for an outstanding night's sleep.

Meditation can really help to calm your mind to prepare for rest, and so can coloring, reading books, stretching, and any other calming activity that you particularly enjoy. Sometimes the symptoms you experience can make it difficult to settle when you need to sleep, but having a relaxing nightly routine may ease you into rest more effectively.

If you really struggle to get wonderful quality sleep, talk to your medical team – that is what they are there for! Perhaps they can offer you therapy, recommend some useful tips, supplements, or medication that can help you sleep better. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Speak to your employer.

If you work and you are struggling day-to-day, do not wait until your health deteriorates before you speak up. It may surprise you at how understanding your employer can be. Once you have opened up and been honest, they can work with you to figure out a routine or schedule that works best for you. This is not always the case, so always know your rights when approaching your employer and keep HR on speed dial if necessary!

A lot of people with chronic illness find that they can no longer continue to work a full-time job, and that is okay. But for those who can still work, do not over-exert yourself when it is unnecessary. You did not choose to have this condition, and your determination to carry on living a ‘normal’ life is commendable. However, if there are accommodations that make things easier for you, why not take advantage of them? Again, HR can be a great resource – especially if your employer is not accommodating your needs.

Never, ever give up.

Chronic conditions are lifelong, and it can seem overwhelming to think about a life that far ahead. However, remember that you are not alone – and this is where your power lies. Establish yourself a powerful support group to rely on during the tougher times.

And no matter what, keep in mind that this is your life and although you have been thrown a major curveball, you are going to live it to the fullest! Choose to thrive. Research your diagnosis, connect with others, look into self-management options, and never be hesitant to ask for help.

I recently started a Facebook group for people that suffer from chronic illness. It is a place where we can support each other, and vent with people that totally understand. Please consider joining us, Living Well with Chronic Illness.

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