4 Different Types of Bipolar Disorder To Be Aware Of

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4 Different Types of Bipolar Disorder To Be Aware Of

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness in which you experience extreme mood swings, usually between mania and depression. When someone has bipolar disorder, it can be difficult for them to function normally without help. This blog post will discuss four types of bipolar disorder that are most common among people who suffer from this condition.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that affects many people. But there are 4 types bipolar disorder to be aware of, which can help you better understand what your loved one may go through on different days.

Types of bipolar disorder and their symptoms include:

Bipolar I Disorder

Bipolar I Disorder is the most severe type of bipolar disorder and is characterized by manic episodes that last for at least seven days, or episodes that are so severe that they require hospitalization. A person with Bipolar I Disorder may also experience periods of depression, psychosis, and anxiety.

Bipolar II Disorder

Bipolar II Disorder is a less severe type of bipolar disorder that is characterized by depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes. A person with Bipolar II Disorder may not experience the full symptoms of mania, but they will still have periods where their mood swings significantly.

3D head Bipolar Disorder


Cyclothymia is a milder form of bipolar disorder that is characterized by numerous periods of hypomania and mild depression. These mood swings do not last as long as they would in people with bipolar disorder, and a person with cyclothymia will generally not experience the symptoms of mania or depression to the same degree.

Not Otherwise Specified (NOS)

Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) is a type of bipolar disorder that is diagnosed when someone does not fit into the types of bipolar mentioned above. This type is most commonly diagnosed when someone experiences symptoms that are more severe than cyclothymia, but their mood swings do not meet the criteria for another form of bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that affects approximately five percent of the US population, or more than ten million Americans. The types of bipolar mentioned above are some types most commonly seen in people who suffer from bipolar disorder.

medical report: bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder may be difficult to diagnose if it is left untreated or undiagnosed because some types of bipolar disorder share common symptoms with other mental illnesses, such as depression. If you or someone you know is experiencing extreme mood swings, it is important to see a doctor so that they can be properly diagnosed and treated for bipolar disorder.

Treatments for different types of bipolar disorders

This may include medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. It is important to work with a doctor to find the best treatment plan for you or your loved one. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to bipolar disorder, so it is important to find what works best for you.

If you are looking for more information on bipolar disorder, please visit the following websites:

National Institute of Mental Health

Mayo Clinic

American Psychiatric Association

A great website for loved ones of those with Bipolar is Nami. They have helped me out numerous times during my husband's hospital stays.

Bipolar Disorder

How to find a doctor and get diagnosed with this mental illness

There are a few ways that you can find a doctor who can help you get diagnosed with bipolar disorder. One way is to ask your family doctor for a referral to a specialist. Another way is to look online for directories of mental health professionals in your area.

When looking for a doctor, it's important to find someone who has experience diagnosing and treating bipolar disorder. If you're looking for a psychiatrist, it's important to look at their resume or qualifications to make sure that they are board-certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN).

And if this is your first time experiencing symptoms of bipolar please seek help immediately so you can get on a treatment plan and feel better.

If you or someone you know is experiencing severe mood swings, it is important to see a doctor so that they can be properly diagnosed and treated for bipolar disorder. There are many different types of bipolar disorder, and each one requires a different approach to treatment.

Tips on coping with the symptoms and living with the disease long-term  (include how people can help themselves)

There is no one way to cope with bipolar disorder, as everyone's experience with it will be different. However, some tips on coping with the symptoms include:

Sticking to a routine as much as possible. This can help you feel more in control and may help reduce the number of mood swings you experience.

Identifying your triggers and avoiding them as much as possible. Triggers can be things like stress, lack of sleep, or caffeine.

Journaling about your thoughts and feelings. This can help you understand what may be causing your mood swings and how to best deal with them.

Talking to someone else who has bipolar disorder. This can be a great way to learn more about the disorder and how to best cope with it.

Participating in activities that you enjoy. This can help boost your mood and make you feel better.

Bipolar Disorders

Seeing a therapist or counselor. This can help you deal with any emotional issues that may be causing your mood swings.

When you have a loved one that has Bipolar, you need to remember that this is a lifelong struggle. It is not easy to date someone with Bipolar, or to be married to someone that has this illness. Over the years I have learned how to help my husband better with his triggers, but it is still a struggle on his bad days. It can be hard to remember that he can not control his behavior altogether, and the same issues arise over and over again.

You need a lot of time and patience. Open communication on good days is important as well. We have talked together to come up with a plan of how I can help him on his bad days. I have literally asked him, how I can help him, what do you need from me.

Having a plan ahead of time makes it easier on those bad days to help him cope. He knows what to expect from me as well. He does not do well with surprises and the unexpected. Knowing in the back of his mind things I will be trying puts him at ease.

The four different types of bipolar disorder are all unique in their own way, so it is important to know the difference between them. Whichever type you have, there are many treatment options available for your specific needs. If you think that you may be suffering from any one or more of these conditions, please reach out to a professional today!

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Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that affects many people. But there are 4 types bipolar disorder to be aware of, which can help you better understand what your loved one may go through on different days.
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that affects many people. But there are 4 types bipolar disorder to be aware of, which can help you better understand what your loved one may go through on different days.
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that affects many people. But there are 4 types bipolar disorder to be aware of, which can help you better understand what your loved one may go through on different days.

6 thoughts on “4 Different Types of Bipolar Disorder To Be Aware Of”

    1. A lot of people don’t really know there is more than 1 type. Bipolar gets lumped as one mental illness. It’s actually very complex. Plus, people with the illness can have mixed where they have symptoms of both.

  1. I knew there was more than one type, but not a ton of specifics. I imagine that being married to someone – or having a child even – with mental illness would be difficult. I think it’s great that people are being more open on this topic though.


    1. Like anything in life, there are good days and bad days. I decided to start posting about it because there is still a stigma in our society about mental illness.

  2. I didn’t realize there was more than one type of bipolar. Thanks for educating me. My neighbor has bipolar and would self medicate with meth. He ended up killing his parents last summer. It still haunts me. I didn’t realize it was so common for people with mental illness to self medicate. Do you know why that is?

    1. Hi Julie,

      Oh wow about your neighbor. Yes, it is common for them to self-medicate. This is because it helps to calm their minds. For the manic: it makes their minds not race so much. For the depression: it stops the negative thoughts about themselves.

      My husband would say he was trying to become comfortably numb. The problem is, once they try drugs or alcohol it’s amazing. However, they are always chasing that first “high” and have to use more and more to achieve it.

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